Course Info

Instructors: Jeong Joon Park , Stella Yu

GSIs: Zilin Wang, Gaurav Kaul

Lecture Format: For each lecture starting from Lecture 3, all students are required to read the two assigned papers. At the beginning of each lecture, there will be a 15-minute lecture, followed by the presentation and discussion for the two papers.

Paper Reviews: For each paper to be presented in lecture, you will summarize an aspect of the paper that you find interesting, specifically what is interesting and why, and then additionally explain how the 2 papers are connected.

Presentations: A team of two students will prepare the presentation of each paper, which is composed of 15-minute presentation of the paper followed by a 5-minute critique and a 10-minute group discussion. For the presentation of the paper, the students should cover the history of the paper (Determine where this paper sits in the context of previous work. Find and report on one older paper cited by the current paper) briefly and explain the main idea, algorithm, and the experiments to the rest of the class. For the 5-minute critique, the student should present a CVPR-style review of the paper (described below) and suggest a possible future direction of the paper. After each presentation and critique, there's 10 minute group discussion. The presentor team is should prepare 3 interesting questions and discussion points to the class. The two teammates are expected to contribute equally to the preparation of the all materials. (sign up sheet)

CVPR-style review format is the following:

GPU Computing: Great Lakes computing credits are provided for the project. More details to follow.


Piazza Rules:

Email Rules:


If you need to be considered for a registration override or put on the wait-list, please sign up at this form.